Pongs or Kongs and a pair of Winds and Dragons only.
Pongs or Kongs and a pair of Winds, Dragons, and Terminals.
Pongs or Kongs and a pair of ones and nines (Terminals) only.
A one and nine of each suit (effectively, "knitted Pongs" of ones and nines) plus NEWS
plus one of each dragon plus one additional tile of any of the above (effectively making one pair in the hand).
A pair of each Wind plus two Pongs of Dragons.
Pongs of all three Dragons, plus any Pong or Chow plus a pair in the same suit (or a pair of Winds).
(Also: Three Great Scholars)
Four Pongs of Winds plus a pair of anything.
(Also: Four Blessings)
Pongs or Kongs of all four Winds plus a pair of Dragons.
A Chow in each suit plus NEWS plus any Wind tile (making a pair of that Wind).